Monday, September 16, 2013

Math Masters!

Well, this is by far the most exciting thing I've implemented so far this year! After my students finish their math work, they're allowed to pick from a variety of math centers to work on quietly.

I'm amazed that with all of the choices they're given, most of my kids continue to pick math facts. 

They are absolutely loving becoming "Math Masters!" In a previous post, I showed you the envelopes I stapled together, labeled "Know like a Pro," and "A Ways to Go." Welll...they love them! For every 10 facts they can state fluently they get a star punch on their "Math Master" card. Once all 10 spots on the card are filled in they can turn it in for a prize - as well as their next, more difficult, set of math facts (and a new card!).

My intention was to have them earn the title of "Math Master" upon completing the entire card. However, they are so excited to call themselves a math master upon receiving each new star that I'm just going with it. Whatever works, right!? They're actually disappointed when math is over because they haven't gotten to get through all of their facts or had a chance to have a teacher quiz them.

I love seeing them so motivated!